Weathering steel panels IBCC
The panels - "walls of names" - at the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) on Canwick Hill outside Lincoln, list almost 58,000 men and women who lost their lives serving or supporting Bomber Command during WWII. There are 270 panels made from engraved sheets of weathering steel which is designed to rust and not require painting. They record names but not ranks or decorations, on the principle that every life lost in Bomber Command was equal in sacrifice.
A donation from the sale of this image will go to the IBCC.
© Gary Eason
Picture keywords: aerial bombardment, aerial combat, air warfare, aircrew, Avro Lancaster bomber, bombing campaign, Canwick Hill, Chadwick Centre, city of Lincoln, IBCC, International Bomber Command Centre, Lincoln, memorial, RAF Bomber Command, reaping the whirlwind, remembrance, Roy Chadwick, Second World War, spire, walls of names, weathering steel, World War Two, WW2, WWII