Latest work



Sun 20240512
Janssen and Vallis Rheita region
Mare Fecunditatis 20240512
Sunspot region AR3664 on 20240512
Sun 20240426
Sun 20240510
Sun 20240509
Sun 20240502
Sun 20240504
Waxing crescent Moon 20240512
Aurora Borealis Colchester 20240510
Aurora Borealis Colchester
Aurora Borealis Colchester


Moon at 96% 20240421
Gassendi crater and Mare Humorum
Lunar south west craters
Moon at 92% 20240420
Waxing gibbous Moon 20240419
SN2023ixf in M101 20240422
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy 20240422
M13 Hercules cluster
Moon composite
First Quarter Moon detail
Jumbo Jet passing the Moon
Super Flower Blood Moon